About half an hour of immersion in the continuous stream of singing Peace Songs.
Please feel free to sing along with us.
If you do not feel like singing aloud, you can also lip-sync.
As long as you are willing to be in resonance with the vibration of Peace, everyone is welcome to join!
“Shalom” is the Hebrew word for “peace”. The melody of this song was channeled through me when I was young (about 40 years ago).
A Sufi song for peace that I learned at one of the Sufi Dances (The Dances of Universal Peace started by Samuel L. Lewis, also known as Murshid Samuel Lewis and Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti) gatherings in Japan. The lyrics of this song are as follows.
Assalam Alaikum, Alaikhum Assalam (‘Peace be with you’ in Arabic)
Shalom Aleichem, Aleichem Shalom (‘Peace be with you’ in Hebrew)
Heiwa wo Anatani, Anatani Heiwa wo (‘Peace be with you’ in Japanese)
Peace be with You, and with You be Peace
This is a song I wrote inspired by the two most famous speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.:
“I Have a Dream” speech and the last speech he made on the day before the day when he was assassinated.
I have a dream, I have a dream
That the people of Ukraine and Russia
Together live in peace
That the people of Ukraine and Russia
Together live in love
I have a dream, I have a dream
The people of Israel and Palestine
Together live in peace
Together live in love
I have a dream, I have a dream
The people of Israel and Palestine
Together live in peace
Together live in love
I’ve been to the top of the mountain and looked over
I’ve seen the promised land
I’ve seen the promised land
Where all the people on this planet
Together live in peace
Where all the people on this planet
Together live in love
We, as a people, will get to the promised land
We, as a people, will get to the promised land
*If you mail me to the following address with the subject line “Peace Songs Lyrics,” I will send you the PDF file of the lyrics of the songs we will be singing in the event: