Harmonies of Light with Jim Oliver

Harmonies of Light with Jim Oliver

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Harmonies of Light Transformational Healing Music and Harmonized Color with Jim Oliver

World Sound Healing Day 2025

REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT and receive a free piece of Jim Oliver’s musicDeep Calm.
(Sign up form is at the bottom of Jim’s website home page)
Visit:  JimOliverMusic.com

Harmonies of Light, Transformational Healing Music and Harmonized Color with Emmy Award winner, multi-keyboardist Jim Oliver. Experience this one-of-a-kind event with expansive music and color that present the colors that are mathematically related/harmonized with the musical notes Jim plays on the keyboards. During the Harmonies of Light event will also see live Cymatics which shows the waveforms of the bass notes in water.

Jim is a pioneer of sound and color healing since 1980 and has created more than 3500 hours of original music for individuals and groups.

For this special event, Jim will speak briefly about Harmonies of Light and the powerful opportunity this offers to bring healing and illumination to the world during World Sound Healing Day and into the future. He will then create a ~ 40-minute-long expansive piece of transformational music based on the energy and intention of those that are present and those that will listen in the future. Spontaneity offers the greatest access to the “Now Moment”, so you can be fully present with Your True Self.

The more people that join us live and on the replays, the more momentum we co-create for world peace.
Join us with an open mind and open heart!

REPLAYS will be available for 2 weeks at the same URL as the event or click HERE


To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://vimeo.com/1056189828?share=copy#t=0 →


Date And Time

Feb-14-2025 @ 12:00 PM (MDT) to
Feb-14-2025 @ 01:00 PM (MDT)
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