The Never Never Mind
Community Venue
The LIGHT CENTER is a place where everything can happen and everything is allowed that comes from the heart and is in loving harmony with nature. The rooms have a special vibration, which is created, among other things, by the geometric architecture and strong energy objects.This place of power promotes development, knowledge and growth in…
Find us by the water side at the Park Beach Reserve. You won’t miss the beautiful crystal and Himalayan singing bowls and other instruments.
GyoHarmony ~Sound and Healing Arts Studio is located in the Tahoe region located in Truckee. This Studio offer regular Yoga Sound Baths and Sound Healing Journey relaxations to the community to ease any tension and relieve stress from their life. Sound Healing enthusiast gather together here to heal, connect and raise eachoters vibrations with the…
View on line from the comfort of your home at any time on World Sound Day.