A Self-Love Sound Journey with Cacao
Inner Sound Collective https://www.innersoundcollective.com/
We are excited to have you for this immersive sound & cacao journey experience in person @ Heart N Soul Yoga Studio in Fairfax, VA, on Tuesday, February 14th, 7:30PM – 9PM ET, to more deeply connect with ourselves and others.
We will guide you into a meditative state with breathwork and sound, further supported by ceremonial cacao. Ceremonial cacao is a gentle and heart opening medicine that offers deep healing and connection to self and others.
We invite you to arrive a few minutes early when doors open at 7:15PM ET to get settled in so that we can start the experience promptly at 7:30PM ET. Due to the nature of the event, doors will close at 7:30PM ET.
In preparation for the experience, we invite you to begin slowing down and creating sacred space for yourself (e.g. take a bath, be mindful of media consumption, go for a nature walk, etc.) We invite you to contemplate and write down your intentions for the sound meditation in a journal.
Journal and pen
Comfortable and layered clothes
Eye mask
Sacred object(s) with meaning to you (e.g. photos, jewelry, crystals, etc.)
Water bottle