World Sound Healing Day hosted by The Bhakti Barn
‘The Earth has Music for those who Listen’
Please join us on World Sound Healing Day 2022 as we Sing, Chant, Sound, Drum, Rattle and Dance with, and in celebration of our Beloved Gaia.
Bring your instruments to raise the consciousness of our Selves, our planet and the galaxy – flutes, drums, voices, rattles…and there will be plenty here to share.
***This gathering will be indoors (please bring a mask and be prepared to wear it if requested)
DATE: Monday February 14, 2022
Light refreshments will be served; we welcome you to bring something to share.
There is no charge to join in this celebration; donations to The Bhakti Barn are gratefully accepted.
Please contact Mirabai to RSVP, and if you have any questions: