World Sound Healing Day!!! Sending Love To Mother Earth Through Sound
Harmonic Remergence
Sending the vibration of love out in waves from the beautiful living and breathing Shelldance Orchid Gardens.
1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!
Stimulating the senses with sound, vibration and creativity to activate self healing.
12-1 noon PST Set our intention create a collage heart
1:30- 2:30 Together we will create a flower mandala
3:00-4:30 Sound Meditation totally unplugged
5:00-6 Moving meditation and sacred Tara dance to heal and balance the earth
6-6:30 Dedication and closing ceremony
rsvp harmonicremergence@gmail.com
Pia Hagan a Certified Sound Practitioner and Sacred Dance Teacher will lead a sound meditation to send love to our Mother Earth.
Bring something to sit on and wear layers. Bring a water bottle.
donation sliding scale $21-$108
Space is limited